This year’s Field Day will be held in-person at the William H. Daniel Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center on Tuesday, July 26th!
The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day is an annual one-day event with the objective of providing professional turf and landscape managers exposure and educational opportunities with the latest research and technical resources. The Field Day features research tours, talks on current topics, and a trade show with over 40 exhibitors displaying equipment and turf and landscape products.
Total CCHs requested from the OISC:
4.0 credits in the 3a/3b/RT categories
3.0 credits in the 6 category
1.0 credit in the 2 category
0.5 credit in the 5/7a categories
Registration is NOW OPEN for attendees and exhibitors!
To register go to:
Sponsorship information, trade show map and preview agenda also available now at